Friday, November 16, 2007

Hello everyone this is LeAnn

this is myself today...
Here i am thinking i would get this right and had to do it at least 2 times to add a pictures of when we are young and in love with the world at our doorstep. well we did well we went into this with eyes filled with roses and the next few years we added children to our world our first one was Kimberly in 1975 and then Lyndsay in 1976 and then Michael in 1978 MacKenzie followed in 1979 and our last was Joni in 1980 ...we then retired the baby machine and got into living the world of babyhood and then school days and then wow they grew up and some are married and yes we are Grandparents and that is why our world is busy...on a grand scale of life it is full and very blessed.
here is am today with a job and full time at that and wondering what it is like to be retired and altho i have many years till that happens i am looking forward to it...still today we are happily married still and still working on all the kinks that we have .We live in Edmonton Alberta in the land of sunshine -wonderful aroa borialis to gaze at- cold snaps- rain- lush forests many long winter nights and fabulous summer days...We have enjoyed our years here and our children have flourished and altho i long for a few days once in awhile to be back in Taber this area has become our home.It is said`*A house without love maybe a castle, or a palace, bùt it is not a home * love is the life of a true home.*Our children i will post young if i can and then when they are adults and onto our grandchilren hope you can last that long...enjoy
The Year 2008 summer months
wow where has the time gone we have had so much go on in our is summer time and we are getting ready for holidays and we have decided to sit this year at home and do some needed reno's to the house.we are enjoying our grandkids and watching the changes in them as they grow older.Evan and Christopher turned 3 this year and Stephanie and Megan turned two and we certainly see the changes in them talking and learning new things daily ...of course they are stretching there limits to rules and sleep time ever learning new words and sentences and wow the questions why this why that etcOur new little one's Sammy and Oivia have been pleasures seeing -holding and enjoying the newness of these little ones have been so wonderful that it is hard to say it in words.Olivia has added the pleasures of Kim and Mike being parents and being the centre of all they have to do to please this little one she has their number and can get attention at a drop of a hat. Samantha has Christopher at demand and can laugh at his antic and laugh she does she is a strong and healthy girl and smart oh my she is so far advanced it is scary to see her learn and learn fast she is like Christopher in that direction i be thinking he will have wee bit of struggle to keep ahead of her as she will learn fast like he did.Our lives are busy we are enjoying time with Mike and Jillian while they do there deck to the new house and i love to watch mike he is so kind and loving and they make a good couple.what is new is Lyndsay is watching Stephanie and Evan while Joni has returned to work so Megan has them to play with during the day.Len and Lyndsay are planning to add trees to their yard hopefully Howie the hound dog doesn't destroy them as they get some planted.MacKenzie and Rob added an addition to their house and now the siding is on it looks lovely.Of course Joni has started working with me at Allen Gray as a QLA it is actually nice to have her on my team and she is learning fast.Nolan is in the midst of changing careers and is starting welding who knows maybe yes maybe no.Will continue this in the fall time .life is busy and we are happy Walter and i are looking forward to holidays just if only to recoupe for another few months at work.
Christmas 2008
this is the last of this year festivities, I am glad that our christmas time was filled with fun,laughter and children of all sizes and shapes.We reflect back apon this year and we have had lots of fun and of course were busy as can be Joni this year joined me at work and is part of my team i am having such fun working with her as she is of course my daughter but she is so easy going and glad to learn and a assest to the team ...she has a soft heart and when patients die she has learned that caring for them leaves a mark upon your soul which is a good thing as martha stewart would say .I have enjoyed being a Gramma for all my grandkids they are just absolutely growing fast and the change in each and everyone of them is amazing that i have to reflect upon my mother Eva sho use to say they change constantly we didn't see this but do as grandparents.
we watch as our own children lives change and are enjoying the things that come up to the bat sorta to say...being parents changes them and it is comforting to know that all the things that we taught them have panned out and they use these things to make their lives good and filled with work fun and laughter..Hide not your talents for us were made:what's a sundial if it is in the shade...So we look forward to the New Year of 2009 and what will come of it ...Walter turned 60 this year so he is imbarking on enjoying being 60...we have health and happiness what more can you for me I see challenges ahead hoping for progress in life and to stay healthy and getting my arm better ...could lose a few pounds but then again who doesn't...looking forward to my favorite time spring that will mean life flowers gardening and warmth from the sun...
has been the start of many changes in my llife not sure if i like it or not i have gotten thro the spring of not a good start to this year many losses still kinda trying to cope with them. Febuary of this year Vicki became sick she was as shocked as i think we were that life can turn up side down so quickly the phone calls stopped in march as she could not longer talk much or the sickness took over she was either at Lynnette's or Scotts or the hospital and we of course lost heron Thursday April 9 2009 to say the least i was numb not believing how fast she went ...and already it is now end of june time has a way of ticking along and we shall all learn that .
June the 1st 2009 Earlene Staples another girlfriend passed away from cancer and she was only 59 years old....such losses affect each one of us and for along time to come each will be remembered for the person they were...we as a family will plant a tree in memory of both gals one that flowers produces and spreads forth beauty every spring.]Our kids are busy Nolan is working for Mikes company but this weekend he has flown home to new brunswick Joni has come to work with me at the Allengray and Kim is babysitting her little ones..... every baby is walking now and starting to talk
I feel blessed today as i write this i see sunshine i am alive and i have decided that today will be special .... we are into the summer now and looking forwarad to holidays walter has taken early retirement and will have the month off and hopefully we shall go to the okanaghan to enjoy some rest and fun times for the both of us. hitting the slides would be nice as we once took our kids there but we both know that we are older and maybe just sitiing around watching the other peoples kids enjoy will be fun for us as well.........will write again as fall approaches such fun summer will bring already our garden box is a wonder and we will make another the answer to our knee and kneeling down just build a garden
I added the summer picture of the grandkids they are the sweetest grandchildren in the world
Left to right
Evan King
Megan Germann
Samantha Mihalcheon
Olivia Scott
Stephanie King
Christopher Mihalcheon
my how they are growing .we just celebrated Megan's 3rd Birthday
looking forward to holidays not sure were we will go and life i am sure will grant us the thought to go somewhere like i always want to stay home and improve something...oh well that is the way life is
Walter and Christopher Fishing Trip
favorite ones of Walter Fishing
Tractor Boys will be Boys have to play
Lost our Beautiful Birch tree
Olivia at birthday party
tree taking down
tree taking down well fallen i would say
Chris-Megan-Evan-Stephanie at play
Christmas time at the Siemens house
christmas tree in dining room
Kim with Olivia and Samantha
Len ,Lyndsay and Joni and kids opening gifts
2009 Walter and LeAnn Holidays to British Columbia
we had such a lovely time stayed at wonderful hotels
stayed at Kelowna and just enjoyed the time vegging
we had alot of time to do just that taking time to hit the
markets and surrounding fruit farms..very interesting ogo
pogo and walter beautiful beach and water areas and
shopping a good holiday for sure
We are and have enjoyed our summer this year walter did have
the front yard repaved and i was not happy but as it is done i
love it...our garden has been so lovely this year and this fall we
hope to put in another raised garden box my glads beautiful will add
when i have time are all happy we spent some lucious days in
the playground with them all happy and well you know how kids are
as for our big kids love them dearly as they pursue their own lives...
Our GRANDCHILDREN............oh we are rich !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ho HO HO has arrived at our house and santa managed to drop into our house for a visit now megan was a no go to that man in the red suit and well Olivia was not sure but the other 4 were full of questions as to where was his sleigh and were the reindeer on the roof and what do you feed the reindeer and etc oh the santa was having such a jolklky time and handed out the kids gifts and then off in a flash he went as he told the children he had many gifts to hand out was glad and happy at the Siemens house that night
It is the last day of the month
It is the last day of the year
It is the end of a decade
It is the end of a season
Wow here we are the begining of a new year and the loss of the old year . Life has had quite alot of changes and losses and many good things also.i have heard from my sister Marlo and plan a visit with her this summer ...Aunt Yvonne passed away and will hopefully be going to her funeral on January 23...the end of an era of the Harris original she is the last to pass away and that is something i shall be sad to say are gone ....we had so many and now none and that leaves the next generation of Harris to go on.....I find as we go onward that that the family is spreading far and wide and the closeness that use to be is gone and hard to attain. I guess it is down to maintaining your own families. Kids have grown and blossomed forth with great changes and growth...we are excited to see what things happen for this family of ours ....the kids amaze us and we love to enjoy their company and look forward to all the birthdays and antics that come with the spring and summer and fall.............
Summer 2010

it has come with a gusto that we did not expect according to the weather is is hail or rain or sleet but we are managing..... i added two photo's one of the kids for the last time together before Joni and Nolan head out to New Brunswick to live they yes of course decided a better life out there is a must ..........much to this Mother's broken heart but that is something i can deal with or never get over but then again children have to be set free but i don't think i shall ever deal with IT! we took a much needed picture altho walter seems to lost in the cushions and is the shortest but we still took it and the other picture is of course Father's day picture where the kids got him a barbacue tent to go over his BBQ he was excited and the kids were all there and of course right on time Joni phoned and wished her dad a happy fathers day and was missing us i think...they are going to build a house out on an acreage and they needed to be getting busy on that ......the kids are loving the area and the ocean i cannot wait to travel to New Brunswick
This year is a no go we were going to Vancouver to meet my sister Marlo Jane but Walter has gotten sick and so to the hospital and recovery time is our holidays but we are glad that we found the trouble and all so far is in god's hands...crossing our fingers that all will be okay...Marlo understands as well as my sister in law Lorna and we will travel there at a later date...i am looking forward to time off but like i said Walter is our main concern this month. adding to this Walter was really sick with this cancer and recovery was long but he has managed asd well i sucombed to what they called it stress and i became sick as well ending up to not getting and around almost til December and back to work at about the same time as Walter has been a long road for both of us...
we have enjoyed the birth of a new baby grandchild Jordan Alexander Scott and let me tell you it is lovely to have him join our family...the other kids are in awe of him and cannot beleive he is so small and new and they touch his hands or his head or just breathing in the newness of a baby;s smell oh such loveliness and they are gentle and lovely to watch them...we are planning a trip to New Brunswick to see Joni and the kids we can hardly wait to go i am back to work altho that can be a stress in it's self .....had a lovely Christmas with everyone but Joni altho we talked to them on the aye

1 comment:

Ann said...

This is a great site LeAnn. Your blog is interesting. Keep it up. Ann