Friday, November 23, 2007

Grandchildren: Stephanie Ann King ( I belong to Joni and Nolan)

Stephanie Ann

Born: May 15-2007

Well she arrived and we are so glad she is here. Stephanie ended up being our third in line of grandchildren, but i thought i would put her next to Evan as she is Evans little sister ...down the road he will love to have her ..altho right now really has to fight to get her way and let me tell you she is a go-getter....she follows behind Evan like a shadow and is a co-conspiriter in all things..she was a lovely new born and like all Grandparents she is the prettiest and of course that is what Grandparents do best is boast... She has grown like a weed, small in structure but oh so smart...mimicks and jabbers and talking all kinds of words...loves books, their dog Lucy and of course torments the cat Smokey.

"A good laugh is sunshine in the house"We just think she is the apple of our eye and Walter cannot get enough play time in ...her hair has grown is so blonde and curlie..she reminds me of that road runner series little tasmainian she devil...(in a good way) like a whirlwind of activity... as Grandparents we want the best ...the most and the top of the world for Stephanie...our love for her is endless


*Stephanie in summer of 2007

* Stephanie and Evan

left side

*pretty in pink

* silly Hat

* New Baby Stephanie at hospital

* couch crawling

right side

*Stephanie crawling mastering it

*Auntie Kimmie having a special moment
*On the cupboard helping
*Mommy and silly hat on me

*Daddy and Stephanie

2008 Fall pictures

* sitting in the leaves

*goofy glasses
*Evan and Stephanie

Summer of 2009

*A busy summer for Stephanie

she is just a delight to be around altho

food has become a obcession for sure

*picture of the blue nose

* science does work when you are on the trampoline

STATIC Electricity

*Lovely one of Stephanie and Evan

2009Stephanie is a character for sure independant and can do most things

on her own she has a mind of her own and altho she is sweet and cute she

can get what she wants cause she is smart Stephanie is cudily and wants

the same as Evan does and the competition is there for sure she is so beautiful and busy that is the word Very Busy... loves her Pappa who is walter and of grandma cause i live with grandpa pa.i guess that is life you have the love of all and all of their love in all degrees.........

i have not added to this until now for my heart is heavy with the move to New far away that is about all i can say for now i will miss having my Stephanie close to us but not much we can do.


our Stephanie is growing and becoming such a little girl not baby anymore she is living in her house now in new brunswick such a lovely bedroom she has and and getting ready for kindergarten already she also will go on a bus like Evan does when i talk to her she hugs the phone when i get to talk to her i miss her and we can hardly wait to fly to her house in new brunswick this summer planning on the trip in July December 2011

Well we miss our Stephanie so much that it is hard to tell anyone how much she has started school this fall and is a beautiful funny and determined child she is the social butterfly of school and has made many friends...They got a new puppy Storm a little girl bulldog that and herself make an interesting subject into skating and playing and loves to learn school homework.

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