Friday, November 23, 2007

Grandchildren EVAN NOLAN MURRAY KING ( I belong to Joni and Nolan )


Born March 25 -2005

Our First Granndchild....WOW it is surely a wonder when you arrive at the hospital to first meet your first grandson...he was perfect, beautiful and totally awesome to see. Evan's mom Joni looked absolutely wonderful-tired and weary but never does a woman look her best than when you have a baby ... "Every mother has the breath taking privileged of sharing with God in the creation of new life. She helps bring into existence a soul that will endure for all eternity" So i will remark Joni is a wonderful mother.... of course the work is hard and time consuming , but a rewarding world she has entered and the delights of little fingers and sleeping-bottles -diapers and onto diaper rash-teething all sorts of exciting moments.

As i write this Evan is a delightful child and loves his Grammy and Pappa as he calls Walter, so cute he is a quiet little tyke with a deep thinking and thoughtful disposition....loves to play alone altho since Stephanie has come along that has changed. He loves to come over and play or stay over with us while mom and dad get a break...So special is our little Grandson Evan that we feel so blessed.

the year 2008 has brought on changes Evan is awesome intelligent quiet and thoughtful child he learns fast and has a kind heart altho he went thro the stages that most children do and to annoy Stephanie was the one of those stages altho i really don't think he would trade her for any other.He is such a delight to be around ...oh he is so exciting to watch as he learns and grows.

PICTURES*Evan newborn

*Evan summer of 2007

*Evan holding Stephanie

*Evan in our yard-Stephanie and Evan

*Grandpa and Evan-side picture is of Evan in swing

*Evan's first christmas

*Bath time

*bucket time

*Ridem time

*Big shoes to fill

*opps you found me (Hide and seek)

*those couch cushions came off by themselves !

Fall of 2008

*Evan with Stephanie

*Just passing the time in the leaves

*Evan and Stephanie

*At the Zoo riding the train..with my cousins

Summer of 2009

*Evan ridiing his bike

*Banff trip and touched a bear (stuffed of course)

*Stephanie and Evan with Nana Pat

*Park sitting with my mom in Banff


Evan is a boy deep thinking and sensitive to all things he can be alone with things to create and that is a good thing he creates all sorts of things sometimes he needs direction but that is what growing up is all about . Evan at this time is into spiderman and cars and trucks and love to do thing create things like i said he loves his pappa grandpa walter and comes to see us often and off to help him in the garden or just being around walter he is a lovely boy and we are so ever grateful he came into our lives and certainly makes our world complete...


not much to say they moved to new brunswick just absolutely broke our hearts.we will certainly miss him and his pappa will certainly wonder were and what his side kick Evan is doing ...


Many changes for Evan he started school and learned to fish with his grandpa in New Brunswick he is busy helping his mother in their new house and is a busy boy learning and fiquring things out on his own he is smart and ponders all sorts of things can make things out of whatever and has a heart of gold ...he is into skating and that is a good thing that i think will be good for him to learn lots of opportunities for him and having his mother around all day with him is a added bonus for him and miss him terribly will be flying out their in July cannot wait to be with him ....

December 2011

We have seen his world in New Brunswick he is doing fabulous in school and is into skating and playing soccer and we find as he grows he is still a very intent little guy with loads of personality and deep thinking and creativity oh such a wonderful boy....we enjoyed being at their new home and hope to go again soon we ate so much lobster and walked the beach with him and Stephanie....looking for rocks and shells and just plain having together time with them.

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