Sunday, November 25, 2007

Grandchildren: CHRISTOPHER JOHN MIHALCHEON ( i Belong to Rob and MacKenzie)


Christopher :
Born May 13-2005
Oh my gosh what a boy! when he was born he came early and surprised us...coming in to the world with pomp and ceremony of one little guy, with a purpose. He is delightful and quite a character that one has to have known MacKenzie to understand, what he is like ..such a delight and there is never a moment in time that you do not know he is around.....his dad has learned alot and to watch Christopher with Rob there is such love and gentleness.
He is quick to learn and full of laughter but with such a strong personality that you just smile and know that is the learning thing inside him...he is such a loving child and when other kids are around he will always say "Baby"...hugs and always bringing them toys, soothers and bottles. He will achieve many things and our hope for this little guy is for him to be an achiever of all things.
" Children have more need of models than of critic's"
how very true this is....Our love for Christopher is insurmountable he is an independant tyke with a character that amazes us...when he comes over to stay he hogs the bed and that is okay we don't sleep much but he certainly does....! Grandparents "love"knows no bounds.
*Summer of 2007

*Fall of 2008- christopher has grown into such a smart little boy

he is full of vinegar and spice and is busy learning fast all the

things little boys do he is way ahead in all the basic's and knows so much

he fishes and helps and plays with all his trucks and tractors...he is a challenge for sure for he wants to do so many things.

Summer of 2009

Christopher is a absolutely adorable guy with mischief side to himself .....self assured and yet not to sure of what the rules are...he is an outdoor kind of kid always in the yard playing cars trucks tractors or riding his jeep around the yard like he is a teenager on the brink of going on down on the open road into the sunset...he is quick & smart and pushes his limits ...he has lots of deep thoughts and can be so loveable easily get his feelings hurt and yet at the same time decides that he can take and give it out and is in Samantha's side kick altho they clash at each other when he bugs her. his collection of dinky cars and trucks and cars and jeeps in next to none. we are enjoying him a lot until he has had enough of us then onward he goes home

*Christopher in the leaves
* first portrait
* second portrait

* grandpa and christopher

* highchair and food

*brand new baby Christopher
* with lamb rocker

*First birthday and dad

*soccer Ball portrait

* first steps*FISHING of course.
*Proud Gandma LeAnn

*Christmas picture 2007
Summer of 2008
*Christopher and his tractor
*Christopher on his car with Evan
*Tractor and dad and Great Grandfather
*Fishing trip
*Catching a BIG fish
*Out on the lake with Dad

*Added summer portrait...

*November 2008..Fall Pictures

Helping in the garden cleanup

Just christopher in the leaves

with Sammy in his arms...

Summer of 2009

* Christopher with Sammy walking the acreage

*Christopher what a character this boy is so special to us

2009 lIfe with Christopher has been nothing but interesting and fun..

he is stubborn but oh my gosh he is a smart kid and learns fast and he

loves to fish and hunt mind you that is what both parents love to do so it is not a wonder that he does too. he loves his tractors and cars and trucks love to bother Samantha same times loves to play with her as long as he has control

He loves to come to Grandma's and to play at our house and of course to shop

altho now as he is getting older he likes to chose to stay home with dad or go with His dad places ....such a character no ones truly understands him totally but withguidance life can hold such mysteries and wonders.....

Summer of 2010

Oh our Christopher !!! what a sweetheart.... full of vinegar and puppy tails is not even adequate to tell you about him .he is personally too two smart for his own good and know all wants to be dealt with like an adult and doesn't understand why he is only 5 getting ready for school and is a little not sure of it but is registered and of course we adults know he will go to school even tho he says he doesn't have to is an outdoor kid from the get go and is into hunting and fishing he is a wiz at the playstationa and is really guite amazed how he has to teach grandma how to play it and well as he pushed me out of the way,,,,, and said really grandma it goes like this and goes on to teach me and shakes his head that i am not a miracle worker on that playstation he rolls his eyes at me oh well i sure i will never catch up on that one oh well it is as if i did not try ...he is quick and long in the arm at playing his day should never end and it is only the tiredness that eventually makes him sleep he is so afraid he might miss something and talk ...oh my can he talk and talk and talkkkkkkkkkk.He is so sure of himself that he heads along like a bull in a china shop oh i love this boy he has so much potential in him if guided in the right direction the world can be his for sure...hugs to this boy for he needs all the nurturing one can give him.He is such a lovely boy with a teasing manner... just ask Samantha who has to endure it daily...


this year has been filled going to school and heading out to his school concert at Christmas but that is what i wanted to do and we enjoyed it for however short the time was... on stage off stage and done but we got good pictures then off home again,,Christmas was fun and such a delight to have him and the family over...this year has been filled with school bus and schedules and a different way of learning things ..he has to learn things ...Mom and Sammy come into to town while he is at school so our seeing him is not as often...i hope he continues to learn and mature ...his love this year was Baby Jordan he was just awed at such a little guy and his question to me was ...are you sure i was this

December 2011

i have added pictures to Christophers page his Quad now so much for worring about his safety they go and give him a quad but i have learned he will learn about it ride it and show off yet probably but he is a boy what do you do... Added his school pictures and he is changing like for school not into it and wanted to know how many years only 12 it does get better as you go along he is busy fishing this weekend with his dad and is looking forward to Christmas and really has only asked for a W11 and intendo 3 D not sure what santa is saying about it all but we will see.... To me he so special spending the day with us on Christmas Day it should be fabulous and fun!

Grandchildren: MEGAN JANELLE GERMANN ( i belong to Lyndsay and Len)

Megan Janelle Germann

Born-June 30-2006
Oh what a living doll! precious what can one say..Healthy and too sweet for words. She is our little Miss Strawberry Shortcake....She is certainly a beauty...Grandparents can say these things even tho they sound mushy, they are the things we think.
She was born on a beautiful warm day and we were waiting with such nerves and we arrived and to see her at the hospital was such a delght...Len was awed i think a little nervous, but oh what a proud pappa he was..she is the first grandchild on Len's side so doubly as important for them...
The family came in abounds to see her and when she got home I think Lyndsay was a totally tired and was glad of all the help she got from Len . First her crawling then walking and she has such a deep voice and she is a fussy baby but that soon left as her world grew, she comes to us the Grandparents to be fussed over and to play with toys and to mingle with us...she is independant and full of vinegar she loves her puppy Howie and her soother and of course watches Strawberry Shortcake DVD's and loves to go shopping with mommy.
Her smile is next to none so special is this little one
" A child is a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the Heart"
We hope for the world for this little one that she will pursue whatever she desires and with the love of her parents this, she will achieve. the year 2008

has been a great time for Megan lots of changes growing up into

a pretty girl and being in to the Dora stage she loves to watch Dora the Explorer and learned to be such a good girl...she is shy yet getting to be fun to be around she plays so god with others and is such a sweety...we love it when she comes to visit us and when we meet at the shopping mall or grocery store always shy but happy to see us..Love her to no bounds..


Megan has changed with the attitude of the cutiest little lady with the love of Dora being the focus of her life...she has gotten a bike for her birthday for we celebrated it yesterday with her ...she is so pretty and gracious and loved her party ...she come with lyndsay to see us often and we got to the library with her or shopping or they come and get me and off we go to the stores or they walk to my work were they visit have a snack and drink rest and then go onto the library I find her so special loving and adorable. hugs from her are worth all the gold in the world.

*Megan summer of 2007
*Baby Megan at hospital

left side

* grandpa and megan

* first christmas picture
* Daddy holding her at her first birthday

pLay centre
* Portrait being shy

Right side
* Grandpa at hospital

* Grandpa and megan staying cool in the shade

* Grandpa and megan at her 1st brthday

* mommy and daddy at my first birthday

* Megan in beautiful red dress

Christmas Picture 2007

Fall of 2008

* Summer and Fall pictures of Megan

* car ride to the park

*playing at the park

*a present for her birthday..

*just a sweet one of her smelling flower


*Megan at 3 years old

The end of the decade 2009 is nearly over and 2010 a new year has arrived

Megan is a pretty getting more older by the second she is a good girl with talent abounding.

She is spending lots of time with Lyndsay and life with them are good off to the malls and off too the library and playground out to her cousins to play and serious is she over hannah montana .....she loves to sing and is a really imaginative girl....looking to enjoy her day and loves her parents and of course Joey her puppy...we see the end of this year and look forward to the year 2010 with wonderment of what can be attained in the life of Megan.....

Summer 2010

Oh.............. you are such a girl and such a sweet girl too dressing up is her thing in this or that or whatever pleases her....Megan is into swimming lessons and spending the majority of her time with mom or her aunties and of course visiting and playing with Christopher and Sam and Olivia and making phone calls to New Brunswick to talk to Evan and Stephanie ....She is independant and much to herself loves to play at the playground close to her home and loves to be with at Gramma house and even brings Joey the dog on visit to our house ..what a beautiful girl and her moments are precious with us....she loves Hannah Montana and has a house full of toys but then again she is an only child why not be spoiled we are awed at her she is smart and quick to do all things...oh the summer months will bring many adventures for her and for us.....too quick and her time will be in school only a year where did the time go ???


what can you say about Megan she is fun and such a busy girl she is in pre school and we went to her concert and oh such a pretty dress and outfit she sang and did wonderful both the Germanns and uncle Bryce was there as i was grandpa could not make it...Christmas was great we spend it together on Christmas Day and she had such a good time this January she is starting dance lessons and i will have to get over to one of her lessons to see her dance....she wants a DVD player for her birthday will be on the lookout for that i already have started looking ..she is the delight of our lives and we love to have her over to the house to visit ...i guess you can say she is the apple of our lives...

December 2011

This is her in her Christmas dress so pretty she is .....

I added her pictures this is her second year in dance class and she is awesome at it..started kindergarten and is doing well..we missed her christmas concert only because only mom and dad`s were allowed to come oh well she is certainly a good and beautiful girl makes lots of friends and is such a lovely gal to be around they take Grandma shopping and we have loads of fun.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Grandchildren: Stephanie Ann King ( I belong to Joni and Nolan)

Stephanie Ann

Born: May 15-2007

Well she arrived and we are so glad she is here. Stephanie ended up being our third in line of grandchildren, but i thought i would put her next to Evan as she is Evans little sister ...down the road he will love to have her ..altho right now really has to fight to get her way and let me tell you she is a go-getter....she follows behind Evan like a shadow and is a co-conspiriter in all things..she was a lovely new born and like all Grandparents she is the prettiest and of course that is what Grandparents do best is boast... She has grown like a weed, small in structure but oh so smart...mimicks and jabbers and talking all kinds of words...loves books, their dog Lucy and of course torments the cat Smokey.

"A good laugh is sunshine in the house"We just think she is the apple of our eye and Walter cannot get enough play time in ...her hair has grown is so blonde and curlie..she reminds me of that road runner series little tasmainian she devil...(in a good way) like a whirlwind of activity... as Grandparents we want the best ...the most and the top of the world for Stephanie...our love for her is endless


*Stephanie in summer of 2007

* Stephanie and Evan

left side

*pretty in pink

* silly Hat

* New Baby Stephanie at hospital

* couch crawling

right side

*Stephanie crawling mastering it

*Auntie Kimmie having a special moment
*On the cupboard helping
*Mommy and silly hat on me

*Daddy and Stephanie

2008 Fall pictures

* sitting in the leaves

*goofy glasses
*Evan and Stephanie

Summer of 2009

*A busy summer for Stephanie

she is just a delight to be around altho

food has become a obcession for sure

*picture of the blue nose

* science does work when you are on the trampoline

STATIC Electricity

*Lovely one of Stephanie and Evan

2009Stephanie is a character for sure independant and can do most things

on her own she has a mind of her own and altho she is sweet and cute she

can get what she wants cause she is smart Stephanie is cudily and wants

the same as Evan does and the competition is there for sure she is so beautiful and busy that is the word Very Busy... loves her Pappa who is walter and of grandma cause i live with grandpa pa.i guess that is life you have the love of all and all of their love in all degrees.........

i have not added to this until now for my heart is heavy with the move to New far away that is about all i can say for now i will miss having my Stephanie close to us but not much we can do.


our Stephanie is growing and becoming such a little girl not baby anymore she is living in her house now in new brunswick such a lovely bedroom she has and and getting ready for kindergarten already she also will go on a bus like Evan does when i talk to her she hugs the phone when i get to talk to her i miss her and we can hardly wait to fly to her house in new brunswick this summer planning on the trip in July December 2011

Well we miss our Stephanie so much that it is hard to tell anyone how much she has started school this fall and is a beautiful funny and determined child she is the social butterfly of school and has made many friends...They got a new puppy Storm a little girl bulldog that and herself make an interesting subject into skating and playing and loves to learn school homework.