Hi I am Jordan Scott and i arrived into this world December 20 2010
i think so far this is pretty neat and i even have some grand parents Mike and Kim and a sister Olivia and a dog Bailey so far so good will add to this as time goes on......
Today December 16th
I am having my first Birthday Party at my house but my birthday is really on the 20th of this month ...everyone is coming and we are going to have snacks and food and cake and wow i cannot believe that i am already 1 year old...Grandma Siemens is writing this for me and let me tell you i am sooooo excited ! Grandma Siemens put pictures of me on here and she added my first portrait and then the summer one and one with Grandpa Siemens and i doing our Hallowen sleep while Olivia went around and got fun stuff with Megan and Aunt Lyndsay and Uncle Len and of course mom too. This fall we took fall pictures outside and we got to play in the cold wet grass.... My best thing i have you will note is my binky it goes everywhere with me one habit i think i will be loosing soon!