Sunday, January 23, 2011

GRANDCHILDREN JORDAN Alexander SCOTT ( i belong to Kim and Michael Scott)

Hi I am Jordan Scott and i arrived into this world December 20 2010
i think so far this is pretty neat and i even have some grand parents Mike and Kim and a sister Olivia and a dog Bailey so far so good will add to this as time goes on......

Today December 16th

I am having my first Birthday Party at my house but my birthday is really on the 20th of this month ...everyone is coming and we are going to have snacks and food and cake and wow i cannot believe that i am already 1 year old...Grandma Siemens is writing this for me and let me tell you i am sooooo excited ! Grandma Siemens put pictures of me on here and she added my first portrait and then the summer one and one with Grandpa Siemens and i doing our Hallowen sleep while Olivia went around and got fun stuff with Megan and Aunt Lyndsay and Uncle Len and of course mom too. This fall we took fall pictures outside and we got to play in the cold wet grass.... My best thing i have you will note is my binky it goes everywhere with me one habit i think i will be loosing soon!

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Best Gal

Vicki Lee
We met in Taber in Jr. High Scool when her dad Milton Iverson came to be the school new answer to music in the W R Myers school system. She joined my classes and i thought to myself ah ha here is some one with the same interests as i have music, family etc.nice girl i think she and i will be best of buddies and of course many many years later that really was and the journey of Vicki and LeAnn began. All thro school we were chums and i at her house or her at my house there for dinner or me over there hair streaking or talking about boys.....walking to ice skating or down to the Rex diner for Chips and Gravy and to listen to the music juke box 3 songs for a quarter wow life could not be better.....when we were real lucky and her brother Norris was on a nice kick we got his black Baracuda car and we look absolutely fabulous in that car....we talkied about the mystery of what lay in store for us .... Taber Days the fair going to the rodeo and also believe it or not wrestling in Lethbridge......Life again could not be better
...what life had in store for us and getting past the part of getting out of high school then we thought life was grand. She started her first job with the Taber Times and i attended Ricks College were we started the letter writing back and forth til i returned home to meet this fellow she has met in Coaldale I was shocked to find my hubby Walter just waiting to be snatched....most of those Coaldale guys married us Taber Girls mind you how could they not they were gonners the moment they met us...I sang at her wedding had flown home for it and that is were i met Walter and the rest is history....Life is short to short soon we were having children she had Scott and by the time they had Scott we were onto our 3rd already we had Kimberly-Lyndsay and Michael and then Scott arrived and then soon Mary arrived...we were into talking about babies raising them colic and bottles diapers then into kindergarten until those boys would not behave and we had to split them - Scott mornings and Michael afternoons....we stayed in Taber until Joni was 3 and then we moved to Leduc and then eventually into Edmonton were we did the long distance thing them coming to us and we to them...our biggest thing was the Taber Trip or them coming to grew marriages happened we became grandparents and such a lovely grandma Vicki made...She was my girlfriend best friend ....sister in law and such a wonderful person to myself and our family she will always be a treasure to us in our hearts....and we shall forever miss her.
"I have held many things in my hands and lost them all,
but the things i have placed in Gods hands...those i shall
always possess."
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even
if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have taken time to listen to my grandfather
ramble about his youth.
I would have never insisted the car windows be rolled
up on a summer day becasue my hair had just been
teased and sprayed.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose
before it melted in storage.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried
about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television
and more while watching life.
I would have gone to bed when i was sick instead of pretending
the earth would go into a holding pattern if i weren't there for
the day.
There would have been more "I LOVE YOU" and more " I'M SORRY"
....but mostly , given another shot at life i would seize every minute and look at it and really see it ...and never give it back.
I today will tell my best friends that i need and love and that my life would and will be and is empty without them!!
this was written by Erma Bombeck
this is for me to read so that i can remember that
You cannot live forever....but you can live differently.....starting right now!

*I did photos of her Large
*younger ones of her and the kids
*1981 reunions for the siemens
*Vicki at Marks wedding
*Lyndsay at the house with Qinton
*Grandma Vicki and Qinton
*us thro the high school years.

when i find others i will add them......

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

GRANDCHILDREN : Olivia Lauren Scott ( I belong to Kim and Michael Scott)

Olivia Lauren Scott

March 13- 2008
" A child is a gift whose worth cannot be measured except by the heart."She has arrived safe, sound and with such blessed arrival we
are so happy. Kim and Michael are awed, happy and tired and well you know what having a baby is like so you do understand .Olivia is a beautiful baby with dark hair and such a perfect body she is alot of Kim with Michaels features ...We could hardly contain our happiness to see both of them at the hospital we have waited so long for Kim to become a mom.Olivia is layed back- happy to be here and well you just have to feed me and play with me and oh yes i love to be rocked held and oh thatcompany i love to have late at night feedings i don't know why everyone wants to hurry thro it and go back to sleep that is when i want to be with you oh well i am sure mom and dad don't have much else to do and i do require alot of attention.We hope that this little one will be able to acheive alot of love and a happy future as we do want that for all our grandchildren. We hope she is full of vinegar and sugar and all things nice altho a few puppy tails would not go amiss that she retains a lovely mental attitude with kindness and reasoning... being choosey in her circle of friends and to go forth with an attitude of reaching for the love and marriage and with her future.You have a good set of parents there Olivia ....listen to their advice and follow their direction ...for a man's work is from sun to sun but a mother's work is never done .We as grandparents can hardly wait to spend time with you and to enjoy watching you grow from little to older and it will happen sooner than you think ,oh what a wonderful time you are about to embark on ..Grandma Siemens

Pictures*Big Picture of Olivia at 1 months

left*Olivia on Grandma's embrodered Blanket

*Olivia at Grandma Siemens

*Olivia in new green outfit

*Grandpa Siemens holding Olivia

* Olivia sitting


* Auntie Joni at Hospital

* Layed out for all to see

* just a few hours old

* Olivia Lauren Scott portrait

* brand new baby at hospital

Oh how pretty Olivia is ....hugs


Olivia is now 5 months old ...the changing

we see daily is a wonderment to all.

She is delicate and beautiful and is a joy

to both Kim and Mike and too all she gets a

hug from...she has become aware of her surroundings

and laughs and smiles lots.has learned to twist and turns

and to roll over.she has now as of Nov 1 -2008 learned to roll crawl and sit laughsconstantly at her mom and is making sounds and is sucha gorgeous girl her teeth are coming in and she is a delight to watch as she learns all sorts of things.

I added her summer picture.

2008 Fall pictures of Olivia

Summer of 2009

*Olivia being Olilvia

*Oh dear what a sweet heart being a goof

Summer and Fall Picture2009

Olivia has begun life with such gusts of wind..she is fast

quick learner and has her parents in a uproar for sure..

she climbs and is just the same personality as kim was and

alot of mike from what we have heard this picture is a classic

as she is a climber and has sent many anxious moments at the stollery oh she is going to put grey hairs on those parents.grandma and grandpa Siemens get a right kick out of this little one.

She also is a busy kid and one picture is of her being Miss Smurfette...

End of the DECADE and this year of 2009...Olivia is the busiest and cutiest gal i haveever fallen in love with she is a tyke with the word Adventure added as her middle name..we have had already many trips to the Stollery childrens hospital for a few too many

things to name....she was ever so excited about christmas altho to really add fuel to the occasion her Dad Mike was her Santa claus and no way was she going to be doing that or

having anything to do with the man in the red suit ...too funny next year we promised Mike it will be better as she is a little young to understand As for many gifts the wrapping paper was a going concern and still had gifts left to open when we arrived later that week for supper...

We are looking forward to many adventures with this little one altho when we are not around she will make many for herself ....i would say hurrah for the old year and onto the next year!!!

2010 spring and summer

she has been a total different child since she has entered the two stage she can be sweet and wonderful and then she can change into a child that is strong minded and mix a laughter of instant delight and then again she can cross her arms and put on a face that is pinched and scowling but that is Olivia she is starting to talk alot and she is walters best friend as of late talking to him she certainly is Kimberly taking her parents on quite a journey through the hills and valleys of story land, bed time shopping and climbing .... her middle name should be Monkey for she is forever climbing up ....she plays with Megan and Samantha and we are sure she misses Evan and Stephanie since they left for New Brunswick...we are all wondering what will come when the new baby arrives oh the world will change for


we are so excited for this little one she has a new brother ( Jordan) that arrived just before Christmas and it has been wonderful to watch her with him such a sweetie..her new best friend these days is Auntie Gillian who when together play hide and seek so funny to watch them this weekend we were over to see Mike and Gillians basement and had chinese supper together and then she played and played and played ...her 3rd birthday is coming soon in march it will be special we have no doubts on that....our concern is that she is a climber and not being afraid is not in her vocabulary.....

December 2011

we are going to Jordan first birthday party today an Olivia is going to a recital for dance class she so far is enjoying being a big sister and learning to dance playing with her chickens and turkeys and of course all her cousins she plays with ...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

GRANDCHILDREN: Samantha Lynn Mihalcheon ( I belong to MacKenzie and Rob)

Samantha Lynn
January 28 2008
"When we set an example of honesty our children will be honest.When we encircle them with love they will be loving. When we practise tolerance they will be tolerant.When we meet life with laughter and a twinkle in our eye they will develop a sense of humor." Oh what a special baby girl...Samantha she
was born on a cold blistery blizzard day and we had taken care of Christopher for the weekend and we so excited for MacKenzie and Rob. When we told Christopher that he had a new baby girl he exclaimed "OH NO" but time has proven successful and he has come to be delighted at being the big brother and wants to help sometimes too much but that is a blessing altho hard for mom to deal with. he wants to hold her with her and just being who he is ....a busy boy. she is a healthy beautiful girl and so completely healthy we are grateful for that..We could not wish for a more lovely baby as we do in Samantha...she is strong and holding her head up since the first day .
We are so delighted with this baby that we as grandparents wish the best and most for her that she will shoot for the stars and become who she decides is best for herself and we will tell her that she can learn and educate herself and be kind and generous and have a healthy happy life if she strives for the best in strive always for the better person who resides in her inner self. Listen to your parents and be wise in all your dealing work hard and the world can be yours.


*Samantha Lynn at twelve days old
*Samantha in yellow

* Samantha in pink
* Megan holding baby Samantha
* Baby Sam in Hospital
* Baby Sam in hospital bassinet
* Christopher and Samantha at home
* Christopher holding Samantha for pictures
* Grandpa Siemens during storm day Samantha was born
* Proud Grandma holding Samantha in hospital

* Samantha pretty in pink

2008 summer time
Samantha is growing like a weed she is hungry happy and healthy

to us that is a good thing ...she is smart and a fast learner and loves

to laugh and coo at Christopher and his antic's .We know this little

gal is going to be the tip of the mountain in all she does...easy going

beautiful and tho a touch different in personality she is sooooo cute!


pretty in pink

laughing out loud

so content while fishing

pretty in blue

just laying about watching the world go by..

Nov 2008 Oh Samantha is a cutie and is so

fast at learning she is crawling and wants

to so bad to be walking she is smart as a whip

just like christopher was..she is a joy to be with

I added on summer portrait

November 1 - 2008

Samantha Fall picture and gardening


2008 summer on in the trees

2009 summer time oh she has grown

*walking thro the woods

*being her goofy self oh she is a riot and has such a laugh

Samantha has grown walking learning each new word with a gusto that is like herself she is shy and the funniest thing she does is when someone looks at her she immediately stands like she has disappeared into thin air or she holds her arm across her eyes like no one can see her too funny..She is so much like her mother at that age and does not want to leave Mackenzies side oh well mother like daughter or is it the other way round she is a beauty for sure and things are instore for us i can guarantee that...the rest of the summer of 2009 will be spent outside playing and learning all sorts of uniques.

This little girl is somthing else she is shy and laugh and a half cuddly and totally a mommys girl when she comes to us it takes about an hour with mackenzie and then she is okay she puts her arm up to her nose and hides altho she in reality is so much like MacKenzie at that age as Mackenzie use to hide behind me and beside me and etc but Sam Sam as we call her is not as bad but shy she is.her first words are Puppy mommmmmmmmm granma and kitty she is a totally outdoor kids and loves to play with herself and does well until her brother christopher manages to bug her but all in all how sweet this child is ...........special does not describe her enough.....

The beginning of 2010

Samantha in January turned a precious 2 and i added a few pictures of the evenings events...

Alol of us her aunties and uncles as well as Grandma Betty were there we decided a few little presents yes but we all put i for her a new twin bed .the OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH and awwhhhhhhhhhhh we certain a delight to hear and her first night in her bed was wonderful she has left the baby bed to a twin bed ....and so goes life a fast two years and we have so very much enjoyed this munchkin.hugs and such love.

Spring and Summer of 2010

Samantha has grown up from the shy child to a talking very independant child she has alot of putting up of her brother Christopher who is a tease and dominating personality but has managed quite well altho she can tell christopher no quite definetly in her loud voice she is alot like MacKenzie in this respect guite the girl ...she is easily upset altho she minds her mother but also is attached to her mother much like MacKenzie was to me totally attached ....they got chickens this year and is guite delighted in watching them develop she plays independantly and loves her one on one time with her mother... We enjoy having her stay over and when they go hunting it is fun to have the weekend with her...she is such a love of our lives.


Her birthday #3 it was about as cold as her birth -30 but we managed to arrive and enjoy her birthday wonderful fairy cake and oh such fun for them Mackenzie made such lovely food ....we enjoyed watching them play and eat and open presents .....gramdma Betty was there also with her boyfriend John ...she is getting to be a smart and special little girl she has a personality that is a combination of MacKenzie and Rob and altho right now Christopher can annoy her she will come to realize he is really a great guy for a brother....

December 2011 It is almost Chritmas time and i think Sammy is getting very excited about Santa coming we cannot believe this little one is going to be 4 years old in just a month i will post photos and her christmas pictures as soon as i get them.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Grandchildren: CHRISTOPHER JOHN MIHALCHEON ( i Belong to Rob and MacKenzie)


Christopher :
Born May 13-2005
Oh my gosh what a boy! when he was born he came early and surprised us...coming in to the world with pomp and ceremony of one little guy, with a purpose. He is delightful and quite a character that one has to have known MacKenzie to understand, what he is like ..such a delight and there is never a moment in time that you do not know he is around.....his dad has learned alot and to watch Christopher with Rob there is such love and gentleness.
He is quick to learn and full of laughter but with such a strong personality that you just smile and know that is the learning thing inside him...he is such a loving child and when other kids are around he will always say "Baby"...hugs and always bringing them toys, soothers and bottles. He will achieve many things and our hope for this little guy is for him to be an achiever of all things.
" Children have more need of models than of critic's"
how very true this is....Our love for Christopher is insurmountable he is an independant tyke with a character that amazes us...when he comes over to stay he hogs the bed and that is okay we don't sleep much but he certainly does....! Grandparents "love"knows no bounds.
*Summer of 2007

*Fall of 2008- christopher has grown into such a smart little boy

he is full of vinegar and spice and is busy learning fast all the

things little boys do he is way ahead in all the basic's and knows so much

he fishes and helps and plays with all his trucks and tractors...he is a challenge for sure for he wants to do so many things.

Summer of 2009

Christopher is a absolutely adorable guy with mischief side to himself .....self assured and yet not to sure of what the rules are...he is an outdoor kind of kid always in the yard playing cars trucks tractors or riding his jeep around the yard like he is a teenager on the brink of going on down on the open road into the sunset...he is quick & smart and pushes his limits ...he has lots of deep thoughts and can be so loveable easily get his feelings hurt and yet at the same time decides that he can take and give it out and is in Samantha's side kick altho they clash at each other when he bugs her. his collection of dinky cars and trucks and cars and jeeps in next to none. we are enjoying him a lot until he has had enough of us then onward he goes home

*Christopher in the leaves
* first portrait
* second portrait

* grandpa and christopher

* highchair and food

*brand new baby Christopher
* with lamb rocker

*First birthday and dad

*soccer Ball portrait

* first steps*FISHING of course.
*Proud Gandma LeAnn

*Christmas picture 2007
Summer of 2008
*Christopher and his tractor
*Christopher on his car with Evan
*Tractor and dad and Great Grandfather
*Fishing trip
*Catching a BIG fish
*Out on the lake with Dad

*Added summer portrait...

*November 2008..Fall Pictures

Helping in the garden cleanup

Just christopher in the leaves

with Sammy in his arms...

Summer of 2009

* Christopher with Sammy walking the acreage

*Christopher what a character this boy is so special to us

2009 lIfe with Christopher has been nothing but interesting and fun..

he is stubborn but oh my gosh he is a smart kid and learns fast and he

loves to fish and hunt mind you that is what both parents love to do so it is not a wonder that he does too. he loves his tractors and cars and trucks love to bother Samantha same times loves to play with her as long as he has control

He loves to come to Grandma's and to play at our house and of course to shop

altho now as he is getting older he likes to chose to stay home with dad or go with His dad places ....such a character no ones truly understands him totally but withguidance life can hold such mysteries and wonders.....

Summer of 2010

Oh our Christopher !!! what a sweetheart.... full of vinegar and puppy tails is not even adequate to tell you about him .he is personally too two smart for his own good and know all wants to be dealt with like an adult and doesn't understand why he is only 5 getting ready for school and is a little not sure of it but is registered and of course we adults know he will go to school even tho he says he doesn't have to is an outdoor kid from the get go and is into hunting and fishing he is a wiz at the playstationa and is really guite amazed how he has to teach grandma how to play it and well as he pushed me out of the way,,,,, and said really grandma it goes like this and goes on to teach me and shakes his head that i am not a miracle worker on that playstation he rolls his eyes at me oh well i sure i will never catch up on that one oh well it is as if i did not try ...he is quick and long in the arm at playing his day should never end and it is only the tiredness that eventually makes him sleep he is so afraid he might miss something and talk ...oh my can he talk and talk and talkkkkkkkkkk.He is so sure of himself that he heads along like a bull in a china shop oh i love this boy he has so much potential in him if guided in the right direction the world can be his for sure...hugs to this boy for he needs all the nurturing one can give him.He is such a lovely boy with a teasing manner... just ask Samantha who has to endure it daily...


this year has been filled going to school and heading out to his school concert at Christmas but that is what i wanted to do and we enjoyed it for however short the time was... on stage off stage and done but we got good pictures then off home again,,Christmas was fun and such a delight to have him and the family over...this year has been filled with school bus and schedules and a different way of learning things ..he has to learn things ...Mom and Sammy come into to town while he is at school so our seeing him is not as often...i hope he continues to learn and mature ...his love this year was Baby Jordan he was just awed at such a little guy and his question to me was ...are you sure i was this

December 2011

i have added pictures to Christophers page his Quad now so much for worring about his safety they go and give him a quad but i have learned he will learn about it ride it and show off yet probably but he is a boy what do you do... Added his school pictures and he is changing like for school not into it and wanted to know how many years only 12 it does get better as you go along he is busy fishing this weekend with his dad and is looking forward to Christmas and really has only asked for a W11 and intendo 3 D not sure what santa is saying about it all but we will see.... To me he so special spending the day with us on Christmas Day it should be fabulous and fun!